Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Preview: Justice League # 6

The final battle between the newly formed Justice League and Darkseid comes in the form of Justice League # 6 by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee.

So without much further ado, here's the preview for Justice League # 6...


Interestingly enough, the guys actually manage to slow down Darkseid even if Superman and Batman are obviously absent.

Wonder Woman alone was a total bad-ass using the lasso of truth to fish out information about Darkseid's plans and motives for invading Earth. Pretty cool application of Cyborg's "powers" as well, letting him connect to the mother boxes that are scattered all around the world.

I remember reading an issue of Grant Morrison wherein Steel and a few other leaguers gets transported to Adam Strange's Rann and Steel gets close to a mother box and connects with it. Pretty much, this is going to be the main reason why Cyborg is here in this team rather than Martian Manhunter.


This issue is also pretty important since this is going to be the last issue for Jim Lee for a little while as the artist extraordinaire will be taking a break from penciling duties and pave the way for artists like Gene Ha and Carlos D'Anda who will be doing Justice League # 7 and  #8 respectively.


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