Here's an interesting looking six page preview for the upcoming graphic novel Assassin's Creed: The Chain written by Karl Kerschl with art from Cameron Stewart.
Not only is this a direct sequel to the OGN Assassin's Creed The Fall but it also serves as one of the sources of information for the protagonist for Assassin's Creed III. Not only that but the preview also seemed to hint at the possibility of using trees as a method of travel and as a tool to perform stealth kills.
Assassin's Creed: The Chain
Price: US $19.95
ISBN: 978-2-924006-05-4
# of Pages: 96
Eisner award winners Karl Kerschl and Cameron Stewart return to create the sequel of Assassin’s Creed The Fall. Assassin’s Creed The Chain completes the Daniel Cross/Nikolai Orelov narrative arc, but it also sheds a new light on Assassin’s Creed III...
From this preview alone its pretty obvious that the free-running-on-trees setup will be used which really ties up neatly with that of Connor's movements on AC III.
I'm going to admit that I haven't picked up Assassin's Creed The Fall which would warrant my lack of information about the characters. Maybe I could do a review for this book as soon as I have the chance.
wow this is so much entertaining..i already played the game now time to read...local seo marketing