Monday, August 20, 2012

TRENDING: Gungnam Style

If like me you've tuned out for a day, the latest trending "topic" people are talking about has got to be "Opang Gungnam Style" or simply "Gungnam Style"...

There's actually a video for this Korean song which you can see below:

It's sung by PSY and I have to admit its catchy. Forget about quantity but be ready for hilarity. And I have to agree with the comment posted in the offiicial YouTube page. This video is going to generate a whole lot of memes.

In fact its already starting right now with the meme generators and parody makers already trying their hand at making the most interesting meme or parody video. Take for example this:

Or this:

Or even this:

What I aslso want to comment in this video is the fact thats its actually entertaining and you'll know its funny. Whether we would believe that this is intentional or not, we should be still be thankful because we get loads of laughs from the video.

Also I was wondering if this was the same PSY that sung "Angelina" back in the late 90s...

(Special Thanks to Thea Veil for the heads up on "Gundam Style")

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