Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wonder Woman # 12 Spoilers - Wonder Woman Goes Anime on Artemis

Continuity freaks can check out what happens in DC Comics' New 52 title Wonder Woman (Wonder Woman # 12) by Brian Azarello and Cliff Chiang.


In this issue Wonder Woman gets betrayed by a figure that's been with her since issue # 1. We also see a cool fight between Wonder Woman and her sister Artemis where she channels her inner Gokou/ Yusuke [from Yu Yu Hakusho]


So in this issue Diana removes her iconic bracelets and lets rip her god powers. And she also does such great one-liners (actually thats more of Azzarello's thing).


Could there be a drawback for Diana's powers?

I'm curious as to why Diana forgets to use this in the pages of the New 52 Justice League.

After beating the crap out of Artemis, Diana returns to Earth to check on Zola who was already undergoing labor during the little trip to the New Olympus. Zola however is surprised when Hermes steals the Zola's baby shortly after giving birth...


We also get the revelation that Hermes has been working with Demeter ever since issue # 1 with the plan of getting the trust of Diana and her motley supporting cast and then act in the last minute.


Just when the feathery guy was starting to grow on me as a staple supporting cast member for the New 52 Wonder Woman book.

Finally in the last page of the Wonder Woman # 12 we get a doozy with the resurgence of Jack Kirby classics the New Gods led by Orion. It's pretty standard anyway since we've already seen Darkseid kick the crap out of the newly formed Justice League in the New 52 timeline.

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