Monday, October 1, 2012

Young Justice Invasion S2E8 Spoilers - Salvation

They're officially back. Young Justice Invasion Episode 8 returns and we're dealing with the fallout from last episode. This episode BTW focuses more on Speedy and his revenge against Lex Luthor.

In this episode:

- Speedy and Green Arrow have a verbal spat over Ollie's decision to give up on trying to look for him. 
- Clone Roy (whom we shall now officially call 'Red Arrow') and Ollie talk for awhile and return to find an empty hospital room. 
- In the YJ HQ, Kon-El and Mal talk about the disappearance of Aqualad who took along Lagoon Boy.
- Beneath the few guy YJ members check the new memorial for the fallen Artemis...

-This is also the proof that we were looking for that Jason Todd really did become a member of the team before 'dying'.

- We also get to see Blue Beetle Jamie Reyes reveal his feelings about the very much dead Ted Kord to Impulse.

- We later see Superboy brooding when she gets approached by Wendy. Now we all know that this would turn into a relationship for the Boy of Steel, how that will work, we'll probably see that as the season unfolds. 

- In another part of town Miss Martian is gloomy over Con's birthday and her new lover's abduction, we see her and Zatanna join the rest of the female members of the team as they celebrate Bumblebee's upcoming wedding. This is disrupted with the Captain Cold who tries to rob an armored truck in front of the team. 

(I really hate this version of Captain Cold. If it were up to me, He looks chunky and looks more like a hybrid snowman/snowmobile. Couldn't they just use the old look?) Moving on...

- Cap gets bashed by the girls...

- Speedy fires an RPG at Lex's Metropolis office but the later survives and tries to feel. Him and Mercy gets cornered. Later Mercy and Speedy square off...

- at the end of the fight, Speedy gets something that truly mattered to him more than his desire to get revenge on Luthor. A new robotic prosthetic arm...

- He also shows this to Green Arrow and Red Arrow who follows him to Metropolis after escaping Ollie's old armory via zeta beam and blowing said transporter post-escape.

You may want to read a non spoilery review on Flipgeeks -

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