Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Musings on my 27th Year of Existence

I rarely post personal stuff but I guess this will be my one post discussing my musings now that I'm 27.

It's party time bitches!

Firstly I'd like to thank the multitude of Facebook and Twitter friends who greeted me on this special day o' mine. It's very rare that I blush from the limelight and blend into the background and these are one of those days. I can't figure out why this happens but hey I guess it really does happen even to the most thick-faced people such as myself.

But seriously there's like a million reasons to be thankful for this day and the best one is this. There's a million things on my wishlist that I'd like to get but I realized today that being remembered by your peers and contemporaries is a good feeling. So for that...


now let's party!

The greetings on the wall were very touching. Some from acquaintances I've met through the years of blogging. Others are people who made an impression through the multitude of gigs I've done over the past few years. The others are from classmates both from High School and Primary School.

I was honestly touched when the people that I look up to greeted me. This proves to me time and again why I call myself the fanboy seo. Mainly because I still go all "fanboy" mode once in awhile. Shout outs to the mentors and aunts and uncles and cousins that have been an inspiration to me and continues to do so until this very time. Also a big "Thank You" to the comic book creators and industry leaders who took their asses away from their drawing boards to greet me especially my "not the sausage" crew (except for that one guy who likes to spew venom and lies to other people; tae ka.)

I do want to thank my family who stuck it with me through my year long vacation/ hermit existence. I'm sorry I was distant and all but with a year behind me I can say that I've grown yet again. And don't worry mom and dad, I will take better care of myself. I'm part of the 27 club now but that doesn't mean I should follow suit. I will always love you both and I'm sticking with that little promise I did that you're going to have that nice Tagaytay vacation home. I just can't promise it right now.

To my sister, we've had our differences and might (never) see eye-to-eye but you are my baby sister and I will always be your big brother. And even if you snort and laugh and belittle what I love, I'll be the big brother who'd drop whatever the hell I'm doing just to help you out (even if I know jackshit about PR and all that). And heck yeah for posing with Mark Millar.

My brother also deserves a good roll call for him calling me in the midst of kicking ass this afternoon. Thank you for that call and even if we still haven't played Xbox 360 together I know that you're gearing up to be a good doctor. I'm quite happy knowing that you've found Meg and I sincerely hope that you'll do her good and she'll do her best(est) for you. You really do compliment each other nicely.

Since I'm not getting any younger as well I'm starting to be wary of what I'm eating (Ironic though that I started this new year with a slice of cake, some softdrinks and buffalo wings). Jogging and going back to the gym will be the top priority for the first two weeks. *I'm looking for sponsors now*

I'd like to specially thank my fiancee Pamela who threw a really surprising "surprise party" with cake and all that to boot. I'm really grateful that you are in my life and you really did put the "Happy" on "Happy Birthday". It's you that makes me wake up everyday and try to be a better man. I love you. 

As I'm proofreading this post, it got to me that it seems like I'm saying my goodbyes. On the contrary I'm not. I'm not going anywhere and I won't be anytime soon. I'm merely thinking of the unspoken things that might have been forgotten or buried. Think of this as this blogger's renewal of vows. Renewing my vows that I'll pursue life with more vigor and passion and a renewal on my promises and vows. 

It's also a call to myself to reimagine and reinvent. To be a better spokesperson for geeks and comic book nerds and bloggers. 

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