Friday, November 30, 2012

Aquaman # 14 - Ocean Master Reminds Arthur Why Atlantis Should Be Respected

In as much as I liked Aquaman, I'm a bit bored with this month's issue featuring the semi- appearance of Arthur's brother Ocean Master

Oh and this issue also happens to be the prelude to the Aquaman/ Justice League crossover entitled "Throne of Atlantis". 

So yeah, apparently Aquaman has already been to Atlantis and that he's already had this talk with his brother already. 

For some unknown reason, this new appearance of Ocean Master is kind of unique because it paints the Aquaman rogue as a compassionate and caring king. He not only spares the life of the young Aqualad Garth but is also set to show that he loves his brother Arthur. 

The creepier aspect of this conversation comes from the obvious logic from Orm. If Atlanteans hated surface worlders, then just about every ship would've been sunk the moment they hit the water as what had happened to the ship which killed their great grandmother and grandfather (who also happens to look very much like Arthur). 

Also I'm saying that the last words from Ocean Master are a forshadowing of sorts for what will happen in the crossover which will be written by Geof Johns with art by Ivan Reis and Paul Pelletier. 

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