Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Indestructible Hulk # 1 Review

Got my hands on Indestructible Hulk # 1 by Mark Waid, Leinil Francis Yu Sunny Gho and Gerry Alanguilan.

A new direction for the Hulk is given in this new relaunched title featuring the badass art team behind Mark Millar's "Super Crooks" and the man responsible for making Daredevil cool and hip and significant.

In this new book, some things are still the same; Bruce Banner is still the Hulk and he's still bound to become very angry and smash things but the more interesting bit for me happens to be Bruce Banner himself.

This new 'Banner' is something more akin to Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner. He's grown to accept that the Hulk is a condition that needs to be checked once in awhile like cancer or diabetes. He's accepted that he will no longer be able to get rid of his big green counterpart and has started down a path towards redemption. 

I liked the book because of the dialogue that Waid infuses the characters with; from Maria Hill's anxiety over her work schedule to Bruce Banner's wit and later his dedication to his new goal. The Hulk might not have any significant dialogue here but the frenetic action sequences are glorious and lets us remember that "actions speak louder than words". 

Goals are something that gets played pretty well in this relaunched title. Banner wants to join his peers Tony Stark and Reed Richards in terms of developing technology but is unable to because his flat-ass broke. He strikes a deal with SHIELD on both ends. It's this kind of smart writing that got me hooked in the book. 

The art team did an incredible job in this book like the boyband that they are they manage to kick some serious ass. First there's the sharp and dynamic pencils of Leinil followed by the sick inks of Gerry Alanguilan and then there's the really great colors provided by Sunny. Explosions and rubbles never looked as good as what they've managed to do here in issue number 1. 

Of course I'd like to thank Comicx Hub for the support for this review. 

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