Saturday, November 3, 2012

Wreck-it Ralph Movie Review - 8 Bit Glory and Homage

Movie review for Walt Disney's "Wreck-it Ralph" featuring the voices of John C. Reilly as Wreck-it Ralph, Sarah Silverman as Vanellope, Jane Lynch as Sgt. Calhoun.

Wreck-It Ralph (voice of Reilly) longs to be as beloved as his game's perfect Good Guy, Fix-It Felix (voice of McBrayer). Problem is, nobody loves a Bad Guy. But they do love heroes... so when a modern, first-person shooter game arrives featuring tough-as-nails Sergeant Calhoun (voice of Lynch), Ralph sees it as his ticket to heroism and happiness. He sneaks into the game with a simple plan -- win a medal -- but soon wrecks everything, and accidentally unleashes a deadly enemy that threatens every game in the arcade. Ralph's only hope? Vanellope von Schweetz (voice of Silverman), a young troublemaking "glitch" from a candy-coated cart racing game who might just be the one to teach Ralph what it means to be a Good Guy. But will he realize he is good enough to become a hero before it's "Game Over" for the entire arcade?

So now that you've been formally introduced here's what I think about the game err I mean the movie.

Wreck-it Ralph is to video games what Shrek was to fairy tales and literature. It's filled with all sorts of easter eggs and video game references and pixels and 8 bit goodies that people who know their classic video games would be pleased as punch to see the film. It's the same level as "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" for the early 20th Century animation in the sense that it collects everything and places important figures together.

John C. Reilly steps up as the main character which is pretty cool in a way because they're giving the guy a break from all the supporting stuff he's done in the past (most recently in "The Dictator" where he played the torture guy). I liked Reilly's voice for the film and it adds more heart, especially during the crucial times where Ralph goes for a good moment.

Like Reilly, Jane Lynch's voice is very distinct and you'd already attach the voice to the face if this were the first time that you've seen the trailer. Another great thing about this role is that she gets to be a bit girly in some parts which can make for some interesting change in tone of voice.

If anything, I'd say that "Wreck-it Ralph" was Disney's own way of paying respects to the whole video game industry. You may argue why Mario is not present there (which is described in this article HERE). Here's a breakdown of my other gripes and raves for the movie:


  • Colorful and lush, gotta catch it in 3D for those additional effects that work well for 3D. Although the flick is enjoyable without 3D, whatever floats your boat. 
  • The Sugar Rush/ Third act is extremely cute and very reminiscent of "Mario Kart". 
  • The theme of discovering yourself and "being yourself" gets explored in more than one way here in this movie. 
  • The retro feel and vibe is very interesting and makes you want to grab the nearest arcade joystick or console game controller. There are lots of great looking games which will definitely stick out of your mind once you see them. 
  • Tons of character references and easter eggs including that classic exclamation point in Konami's Metal Gear Solid series...

  • AKB48 is part of the soundtrack. The Japanese girl group sings "Sugar Rush" which also happens to the theme song for the Sugar Rush game where Ralph and the Cybug gets thrown in. 
  • Some neat flashbacks in this film builds such a nice tone for the character. Sgt. Calhoun's origin for example provides a pretty good story as to why she's so hardcore and intense while Ralph's origin will make you feel sorry for the guy and give you a good reason to understand why Ralph wants to go and live a different life. 
  • The opening and the closing bits for Ralph is pretty neat with the titular character accepting who he is and what his role in the general order of things is. 
  • Kudos to Disney and Pixar for providing such a surprise villain for this movie. 
  • You have to come in early if you want to catch PAPERMAN which is also an exceptional animated short. 
  • The commentary in this flick is pretty great. From Ralph exclaiming how violent video games have become (such as those First Person Shooters) to how attractive Sgt. Calhoun looks to Felix due to being render in "high definition". 
  • Zangief also stole the show for this one. I never did give much props to Zangief but after seeing Wreck-it Ralph my opinion on the baddie has changed completely. 

  • Finally I'm sensing that there's going to be a sequel for this movie. Really hoping that this one materializes. 


  • Sarah Silverman as Vanellope was so-so for me. I mean other actresses could do the same voice so I'm really curious as to why she got picked to be the voice for Ralph's friend. Still it was a pretty cute take on the character. 

  • The humor for Wreck-it Ralph was just okay for me. I entered the cinema with no expectations whatsoever. Now that I see the resemblance to Shrek, I can't help but wonder what it would stand when it comes to humor. Ralph isn't as funny but where it lacks in laughs it makes up with a lot of heart.
  • I'm not sure if the film was too short but it felt pretty short for me. If we ever do get a sequel I really wish that it gets a boost in the TRT (Total running time). 
  • No post credit scene. I actually stuck around till the very end of the movie only to be surprised that they did not have any post-credit scene. Bummer. I remember when I saw Brave and forgot to wait till the very end and missed a pretty good one. 

I think "Wreck-it Ralph" is a pretty good movie. It's got some minor flaws here and there but its definitely a tribute to video games, gamers and to non-gamers. Wreck-it Ralph spells fun and at the same time glorious. 


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