Saturday, December 8, 2012

All New X-Men # 3 Spoilers - Optic Blast Malfunction

What happens to modern day Cyclops and the rest of his X-Tinction team? Find out in All New X-Men # 3 by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen.

Find out what problems Cyclops, Magneto, Magik and the returning Emma Frost faces after the cut.

First off we get to find out where they will be bunking for the time being...

Cyclops then goes on a rescue mission to rescue his former girlfriend Emma Frost who was also detained after the events of AVX. Unfortunately for him and Magneto, their rescue nearly gets botched because of their mutant power malfunction. 

While they discover this new turn of event, they do manage to spring Emma out of the clink. Heck they even convince her to join them. Too bad for auntie Emma though, she's also lost her telepathy. 

Once cleared from the fuzz, Cyclops goes full-on emo about his power malfunction...

(Massive props to Stuart Immonen for actually making Scott's eyebeam look like its on the fritz...)

Magneto and Scott talks about what is going on and they have this almost ugly fight...

Oh and Magik seems to have gotten a power boost (unlike the other Phoenix Five members)...

The issue ends with the team porting to the location of a new mutant who can copy other people's appearance. Before Scott prattles on about the mutant revolution and the crap he's spouting (which he himself caused) he gets interrupted by the younger X-Men...

This is becoming more and more interesting. Actually compared to Avengers # 1, I'm enjoying myself with this book.

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