Monday, December 3, 2012

If Captain America Faces Off Against Thanos in Avengers 2 Here's to Hoping this Happens

Was reading Brian Cronin's "A Year of Cool Comic" and fanboyed over his entry about Captain America facing Thanos (in full power no less) during "Infinity Gauntlet".

In the story Cap manages to capture Thanos' attention in a mad attempt to stall the mad titan from erasing life from the rest of the Marvel Universe. 

Cap goes up to Thanos and calmly states that he won't back down from fighting the big guy even if he has to go and deal with possibly dying a very painful death in so many different ways. 

That of course happened after seeing Thanos blast off Quasar's hands like it was nothing then hammering the point across by pulverizing Quasar with his eye beam. 

Seriously, if we ever see Chris Evans do this in the second Avengers movie, this would totally kick ass regardless if DC had released their Justice League movie.

Also I can already see Evans spouting a line from this or something similar like this since we've already seen him tell-off Thor in "The Avengers" saying that there's only one God for him.

I'd also probably substitute the Silver Surfer with somebody from The Guardians of The Galaxy to do this bit especially since Surfer is still licensed to 20th Century Fox...

Overall, I'm really hopeful that we get to see something like this in the big screen. It's one of those cool moments where Evans can once again channel that "Cap with conviction" we've only seen glimpses of in the Movie universe. 

Special thanks to CBR for the scans

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