Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Coolest Moment from The Flash # 14

Truth be told the current "Flash" book is good but it's got a lot of things going on that people tend to get confused over continuity stuff. However there's one bit in The Flash # 14 that makes it a totally "OK" book for me.

Of course this was written and illustrated by Francis Manapul with the help of Brian Buccellato. In this issue all hell breaks lose in Keystone and Central as Gorilla Grodd's gorilla forces invade the Flash's city. Add the problem of the now lethal Rogues running around as well as Iris West trapped inside the Speed Force and you got a really wacky story. 

Some of the more coolest moments in this issue was seeing Grodd using the speed force to take fight The Flash. 

It's really a bad thing for Barry throughout the issue. He gets his ass kicked by the far more superior Grodd. And that's only the half of it as well also have to consider that the Rogues are also on the loose. Good thing though, they're on the side of the angels for this situation. 

However the coolest moment here is when Solovar comes to Barry's rescue just when he's about to be impaled by Grodd. 

Reading this issue made me realize why I haven't been picking up The Flash book. I hear that after this arc we'll be seeing the New 52 version of the Reverse Flash. Unfortunately for us, there's no clue who this new Reverse Flash would be. It could be Zolomon Hunter for all we know. 

I guess I have to pick up the collected edition from Castle Geek or Comicx Hub now.

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