Wednesday, January 23, 2013


DC Comics' Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part II is for all thoughts a faithful and hardcore adaptation of the classic Frank Miller graphic novel of the same title. 

This animated flick is pretty amazing. It actually stands on it's own regardless if you've read the Miller book or not. One of the best things I've seen here is the quality of the animation. Super impressive and super stylish. It's also an animation style that closely fits the panels and imagery that Frank Miller deliver back in the 80s. 

More after the cut...

The Dark Knight Rises Part II is definitely not for kids. It's got a lot of concepts and themes which will either seem alien to them or will downright leave a bad taste in their mouths. Try to get other stuff like "Young Justice", that'll be better. 

*Spoilers* If like me, you haven't finished The Dark Knight Returns, then the best thing you'll surely wet your pants when you finally get to the point where Batman battles Superman.

Honestly, why haven't I got to that point in the tradepaperback I have lying around the house perplexes me. Here are a few screenshots I took from this wickedly delightful animated feature...

One of the many times that Superman gets owned by Batman... He was actually preparing his final gambit against Superman, bidding his time.

Armored Batman bashing Superman's brains in with what seems to be steel tanks...

Superman retaliates by crushing off Bats' helmet. 

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