Monday, February 11, 2013

All New X-Men # 7 Spoiler - Who Was Mystique Talking to?

Here's a question I want to raise in last week's All New X-Men # 7 by Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez.

Spoilers ahead. If you haven't read this top-selling title, might as well skip this one for now.

In this issue Mystique rescues the young Cyclops from the pinch he made. Disguised as Wolverine, Mystique manages to do some rather uncharacteristic 'pep-talk' for Scott. Mystique's gambit does pay off and we see her later boarding a van and talking to somebody blanketed in the shadows.

Also was Mystique shapeshifting as Jubilee or was it just a look-a-like/coincidence? Obviously this guy isn't Daken (as he's already dead), nor could it be Sabretooth because he would've been drawn differently. One character that I'm looking at is Dog Logan.

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