Sunday, February 3, 2013

Avengers # 4 Spoiler - How Hyperion Joined the Avengers

This week's Avengers (Avengers # 4) focuses on the team's latest addition - Hyperion.

In this latest issue we find out that this Hyperion actually came from an alternate university. And this is the Hyperion that came from the original Squadron Supreme miniseries that came out in the 80s. 

So what happened? Well remember the mysterious process that Black Swan did in New Avengers # 1? Well its either her or somebody like her that obliterated his world and he was caught in the middle of the explosion...

He was left floating in Limbo where he got picked up by A.I.M. during one of their experiments...

He's been in captivity by AIM for quite some time before he was subsequently freed by the Avengers big three (Captain America, Iron Man and Thor) during one of their AIM base raids.

Avengers # 4 is written by Jonathan Hickman with art by Adam Kubert. It's currently available in all comic stores. 

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