Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Batman # 17 Spoilers

Death of the Family officially ends in Batman # 17 with a ho-humm ending that's more forgettable and laughable rather than an instant classic.


As Kyle and I were discussing awhile ago, the ending wasn't really what we all were hoping it to be. In fact when I read the leaked copy, I found myself smiling that I was unable to catch this because it really felt contrived. Also, as Kyle pointed out with his early Batman # 17 review over at Flipgeeks, this felt like it wasn't the final ending that writer Scott Snyder wanted for the storyline.

For me however, what really irks me with this issue and ending was how much it felt insubstantial and a genuine waste of time. This is all of course thanks to some shock value added in the story together with a bit of handwavium here and there. There's the missing Alfred plot which is tied up neatly with the Wayne's faithful butler now addled with Joker venom...

Alfred Pennyworth Batman 17 Death of the Family

But the biggest shocker here is what's inside the bloody cloche which we've been seeing Joker handle a few weeks already...


Like I said, shocking. We find out that the Joker peeled off the faces of Batman's family in order to prove his point. The only problem is that a few issues later, the idea that their faces were forcefully removed was 'handwaved' and instead showed their faces all intact.


The issue ends with Alfred recovering, Batman calling a meeting with the family, Bat-Family worm their way out by finding excuses and dealing with what happened to them and finally we also find out that Batman once revealed to the Joker his true identity but the Joker not reacting and not remembering this important detail (?). 

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