Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fearless Defenders # 1 Spoilerific Review

A spoiler heavy review for Fearless Defenders # 1 written by Cullen Bunn with art by Will Sliney

The first all-female team book from Marvel was so-so just the promotion period but once you pick it up, you'll be surprised at how good it really is. 


In a nutshell Misty Knight is sucked into a new case where ancient Asgardian relics are involved. We are introduced to Dr. Annabelle Riggs as well as some great action sequences care of undead Viking zombies. Valkyrie enters the fray and gets the adventure rolling. 

I'm really impressed with the way the story panned out. It's pretty interesting compared to the last Valkyrie related book that Bunn wrote which was the Fearless. This one's got a proper twist  of mystery and read's like a full-on adventure story. 

Will Sliney's artwork is also impressive. I've never heard of the artist before but his work here definitely put him on my radar. Perhaps I might go and look for his deviantart account. 

I'm not going to compare art styles but I'd like to say that the art is definitely 'cheesecake-centric' which is a good thing in my book. Also I'm seeing some hints of Terry Dodson and Mark Brooks in the way Sliney draws his women here. And yes there's a subtle hint of sexiness in the book thanks to the way Iron Fist's girlfriend kicks ass in such a form fitting ninja attire. 

Like I said the book is action packed. Fearless Defenders # 1 alone stands in providing villain fodder in a convenient manner which works well in fleshing out the story. We've got zombie Vikings, thugs and pirates and a looming 'final boss-esque' Doommaidens which I'm betting will make things a bit difficult for Valkyrie and company. 

If there's anything that kinda makes me frown here is the girl-on-girl action that we see towards the end of the issue. And yes its between Valkyrie and Dr. Riggs. 

I've got nothing against this. Although my problem is it being too fanservice-y. Imagine seeing this in the first issue alone. IMHO it would have been better if this new character Riggs did this around the second or third issue when readers have already warmed up to her. This also made it possible to drop hints about her sexual preference. I know Bunn's intentions here were noble but it felt more like shock factor/ shock value rather than a natural part of the story. Oh and the way I see it, this was kinda forced. 


Still Fearless Defenders has my vote of confidence. I'm already looking forward to pick up the issue 2 next month. 

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