Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sugarfree is Much Alive with the Staging of Sa Wakas the Musical

It's settled. I'm taking my siblings (plus their significant SOs) as well as Pam to see Ateneo's staging of "Sa Wakas the Musical" featuring the music of Sugarfree.

I was hesitant when I heard this project but, s**t I just saw the two videos for the staged rehearsals and I'm floored. 

Watch the songs "Dear Kuya" and "Telepono" as rendered by the cast of "Sa Wakas the Musical"...

Sa Wakas (Telepono) from Culture Shock Productions on Vimeo.

Sa Wakas (Dear Kuya) from Culture Shock Productions on Vimeo.

Can you say "GOOSEBUMPS"?

Here's the official adblurb/ description for the musical:

"Sa Wakas is a new musical that weaves together the songs of one of the country’s most beloved rock bands, Sugarfree. Co-written by Andrei Nikolai Pamintuan and Mariane Abuan with the music beautifully arranged by Ejay Yatco, Sa Wakas promises to bring together the world of pop rock and musical theatre in one groundbreaking show. 

A bittersweet love story that chronicles the end of one relationship and the beginning of another, Sa Wakas raises the timeless question of why relationships fall apart. How do you go from loving someone so much it hurts to hurting just to love someone?"

And because of this, I'm wiping the dust off my "Sa Wakas" CD.

Oh and here's the teaser for their version of "Kwarto"

SA WAKAS Teaser (Kwarto) from Culture Shock Productions on Vimeo.

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