Friday, February 15, 2013

Tita Paring's Suman Latik - The Best Suman in Greenhills

There's a little corner in Shoppesville (in Greenhills) which surprisingly sports the best tasting suman latik called Tita Paring's Suman Latik.

Find out what I think about Tita Paring's Suman Latik after the cut.

So I'm going to back what I've said on the post title, Paring's suman has got to be the best within the Greenhills area. What can I say, the suman was prepped just right, it's not too chewy nor was it the suman that fights back when you bite.

The suman is tender enough. I have to give massive props for the way it was cooked. My gripe however is the fact that presentation sucks. Too harsh? Well not really. Since the suman latik is priced at Php 45.00 I was expecting a little bit more effort in the presentation; not just chucking in the suman into a styrofoam tray and then generously putting in the sweet latik sauce (as seen above)...

Still the food is pretty tasty and you'll probably go and do seconds after your first order.

I like where it's located as well. Its sitting quietly in a corner of Shoppesville with some very comfy chairs and nice music. While having my 'merienda' with Pam, I was thinking to myself, this is the perfect place to sit after scouring all the toy stores in Shoppesville Plus.


Really, presentation aside, the suman here is delish! I plan on trying out the other stuff they have to offer maybe on the next visit to Greenhills. 

Verdict: 4/5 

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