Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Very Brutal Spider-Man in Superior Spider-Man # 8 Spoilers

We know that it was only a matter of time before the so-called Superior Spider-Man aka Otto Octavius snaps and as early as issue # 6 we're already seeing some hints of this. Spoilers up for Superior Spider-Man # 6 by Dan Slott with Humberto Ramos this time.


The long and short of it is that J. Jonah Jameson calls in Spider-Man to knock some sense into the Jester and Screwball after the public prank they pulled on the NYC mayor. Octavius activates his spider drones to track down the two pranksters while dealing with the very real possibility of getting his doctoral degree over lunch with a professor. When the drones find Screwball and Jester, Parker/ Octavius layeth the smackdown on them not knowing that its being streamed on the Internet for everyone to see including Mary Jane Watson, the Avengers and many more.



Also I like how Humberto Ramos drew Spidey here. It makes him look more like a ninja rather than a superhero. It also reminds me of that costume that Tobey Maguire wore in the first Spider-Man movie when he was in a cage match with Macho Man Randy Savage.


Aaaand scene. Looks like this would be reason why Superior Spider-Man # 7 was teased with the words 'FIRED'.

Wait one last thing, this issue provided one of the most unsettling scenes in Superior. Spider-Man punching a woman in the boob.


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