Thursday, March 21, 2013

Who Did the Justice League Pick in Justice League # 18

Spoilers up for Justice League # 18 regarding the identities of the heroes the team picked to expand their roster plus some comments/ discussion.

The issue is again written by Geoff Johns with art by Jesus Saiz and Gary Frank who does the Shazam backup. 

Spoiler alert. 

The league invites a gaggle of heroes that Cyborg and Batman has managed to contact through what they call the grid. It's an exposition on what we saw a few issues back when Cyborg made the call to other DCU heroes to fight back against the Atlanteans. 

Among the invited guests are Platinum, which is the new android created by Will Magnus. There's also Firestorm, Element Woman, Zatanna, Blue Devil, Black Lightning, Goldrush (who hit on the Flash), Vixen and many more guests. Platinum goes ballistic and the League relies on Firestorm and Element Woman's powers. Platinum's responsometer is rescued by the very silent Atom (whose real name is Rhonda Pineda). 

By the end of the issue, the League is looking at the possibility of getting these three:

Unfortunately before we really get the team's approval, Cyborg finds out that every data the League has collected within the five years they have been operating, including the classified ones, have been stolen during the fight inside the Watchtower against Will Magnus' Platinum. 

Who in their right mind would want to steal secrets from The Justice League

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