Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Massive X-Men Reference Hidden in The Internship's New Trailer

20th Century Fox has released a new trailer for the comedy film "The Internship" starring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn. It looks funny and it's even got a good X-Men reference that hardcore X-fans would recognize.

Here's the official press release from 20th Century Fox Philippines:

Looks like comedy duo and friends Owen and Vince have found a new thinking playground at the Google campus as featured in the upcoming hilarious movie “The Internship.”

In an interview with EW on his upcoming true-to-the-times relatable comedy “The Internship,” Vince Vaughn admits that there wouldn’t be any film had Google said no to the concept in the first place.

Vaughn, who serves as co-writer, producer and star of “The Internship” reunite with Owen Wilson about friends in their 40s who get laid off from their jobs. Convinced they’ve gone about managing their careers entirely wrong, they resolve to become interns at a tech company and start anew. Hijinks ensue when Vaughn and Wilson compete against
wily, fresh-faced 22-year-olds to advance in the company.

“The Internship” sees Nick (Owen Wilson) and Billy (Vince Vaughn), two old-school salesmen who use old fashioned charm and brilliant sales techniques to sell watches. On the night that they try to close a big sale with a client, to their shock, they find out that their company has been shut down because kids don’t wear watches anymore. Suddenly, they find themselves unemployed as two dinosaurs in the digital world.

To make the situation worse, Billy goes home to find a foreclosure sign on his front lawn and his girlfriend packing her bags to leave him. In the meantime, Nick’s sister offers him a job at a mattress store and he takes it out of despair. After an exhaustive job search online, Billy has Googled everything he can Google. He finally gives up by typing just “Google” into the search box, and finds an opportunity for them to reinvent themselves – with an internship program at Google.

The guys arrive at the Google Campus in Mountain View, California – a world away from anything they have seen before – and are in awe. All the food and drink is free so they load up on coffee and donuts at the “free” coffee cart as if it’s their last meal on earth. On the first day of their internship, they find themselves in a sea of tech-savvy 20-
year-olds who they need to compete against to win a full-time position at Google. They team up with Neha, a sexually curious nerd, Stuart, who is obsessed with his cell phone and won’t get off of it, Yoyo, a genius Asian kid that lacks social and common life skills, and Lyle, who is an underdog who wants to fit in. They also meet their nemesis – Graham – an arrogant and aggressive college student who will stops at nothing to win the competition and get the job at Google.

Vaughn wrote the original draft of the story when the US economy was in shambles and most of the people he knew had lost their jobs. It was that generational sentiment that the skills they have are not significant as it used to be. And when he saw a portion of what goes inside the Google ‘campus,’ “I thought of taking the characters to this place
and give them the chance to work at Google – that felt relatable and rootable,” shares Vaughn.

Google cofounder Sergey Bin checked on the film’s set every now and then which Vaughn is very grateful for – “Everyone at (Google) was very nice and gracious. But that’s what Google does: You search for something and you find it,” Vaughn concludes.

“The Internship” opens August 14 in theaters from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.

At the last bit, as the man they bluntly refer to as Professor Xavier wheels away from them, Vince Vaughn shouts "Professor Xavier is a total" before it gets cut off. This is of course a throwback to that classic splash page featuring a then-rebellious Kitty Pryde...

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