Sunday, April 28, 2013

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reinvision by Malachi Maloney

Here's an interesting take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles done by artist Malachi Maloney. It's pretty to look at and at the same time very different from the TMNT we all grew up with.


Check out the rest of the tutles plus Master Splinter after the cut. 




I loved that Leo's a Samurai and Donatello is a buddhist monk. Both of them gives a solid reason why they wield their weapon of choice. Sadly, only Raphael really follows the actual namesake of being called a NINJA. All of them however follow the Oriental/ Eastern approach in their design and aesthetics.

Oh and before I forget, here's Master Splinter.

Sadly, Maloney forgot to give us a look at Shredder and the Foot Soldiers/ Foot Clansmen. :(

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