Thursday, May 23, 2013

Justice League # 20 Spoilers

The Atom-centric storyline closes the Despero arc but leaves us more questions instead of answers and it's all thanks to Geoff Johns and Gene Ha.

Read the rest of the spoilers after the cut...

1. Justice League versus Despero Round 1. 

One of the things that perplexed with Johns' JL book was the time jumps particularly the time when Martian Manhunter was still a member of the League. Apparently it was also around this time that the league took down Despero's threat. Whether that particular story will be done in the comics or conveniently brushed under the rug, we all have to wait and see. 

2. Firestorm's true potential

Firestorm totally kicked ass here in JL # 20. Whether we get to see him do the same thing in his monthly book is another thing entirely. 

3. Martian Manhunter barely beat Despero in their fight

Echoing what the new Atom stated it seemed like Despero's a more powerful telepath here in the New 52 compared to his pre-New 52 counterpart...

4. Element Woman is a force to be reckoned with.

I miss Metamorpho as much as the next guy, but in Johns we trust on his decision to include Element Woman in the active roster for the Justice League. 

5. Martian Manhunter guest stars...

6. ... he also kicks Despero's ass

Okay, now I really want to see that Justice League versus Despero fight. I'm so curious. 

7. The Justice League returns to Happy Harbor

So we're officially done with the Satellite era Justice League and are now going for a more retro approach with the team's decision to make Happy Harbor the site of their new base. What's next Snapper Carr becoming the team's official mascot and museum curator?

8. Revisiting Tower of Babel

We visit familiar territory in Justice League # 20 when we see this scene between Batman and Superman where Bats fesses up to having contingency plans for every member of the League. We also find out why he's not OK with the Superman - Wonder Woman relationship as it appears like Superman is supposed to be the weapon they'll use against Wonder Woman in case she becomes a loose cannon. 

9. Superman has Batman's Kryptonite

That stupid look on Superman's face when he sees just what Batman has given him is priceless. 

10. The Atom Batting for Justice League of America

So she's the mole that Justice League of America sent over to the other side. Some great thinking courtesy of Amanda Waller and Steve Trevor. 

11. Fear of Unknown Variables and Equal Pairings

Once again we see the chart that they've been using in JLA.It's now included the equal pairing of Element Woman with Atom. The dialogue that Trevor has states that they are already on the look out for a suitable equal to Firestorm...

Realization: Now I'm no longer coming to Justice League for the action, I'm in it now for the political aspect and weird dealings of the characters. Kinda nice change of tone for the book that's been known for decades as a smash'em rock'em book.  Oh and added props for this being the crossover/ prologue for DC Comics' 'Trinity War'

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