Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Superior Spider-Man # 9 Spoilers

The pirates have struck early again as Superior Spider-Man # 9 has been released earlier than expected. Here are the spoilers for what seems to be the rematch between Dr. Octopus aka Superior Spider-Man and Peter Parker aka Amazing Spider-Man.

In this issue, Otto Octavius finally found out that there's a sliver of Parker's memory still living inside this hijacked body of his. He finally goes out of his way to finally confront what he considers as a nuisance. Inside Parker's brain no less.

Peter Parker calls out his first ace as he goes and calls in some reinforcements including dead guys and gals like Gwen Stacy and her father Captain George Stacy. Oh and more importantly, Uncle Ben also joined in the fight.

Several panels later, Otto calls in his own backup...

A massacre occurs and when all seems lost, Parker remembers one last thing, that he also happens to be the Amazing Spider-Man.

Not to be outdone, Otto also transform into the Superior Spider-Man and they 'dance' one last time.

The issue ends badly for Parker as he once again gets usurped from his own body. Now I'm truly wondering how they'll be able to dig their way out of this fiasco in time for Amazing Spider-Man 2 which is well underway. 

I have two words for Octavius after this issue. YOU BASTARD!

This issue is definitely worth getting. In fact I'm already ordering my copy for tomorrow.

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