Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Scary Part of the Yahoo - Tumblr Takeover

News this morning, Yahoo just bought Tumblr for a billion dollars. It's 1.1 billion dollars to be exact.

Despite the obvious corporate backing and money, there's one thing that truly worries me. Well actually two. One is will Tumblr follow the same fate of the other companies that Yahoo has acquired through the years (look at Stumbleupon and their sad departure from Social Bookmarking). 

Secondly is how will Yahoo address the free-for-all that is Tumblr? More on that later. For the first question, we've seen the memes about them promising to take care of Tumblr. (Oh you haven't? Here it is for your benefit then).

Whether you want to admit it or not, whatever Yahoo touches turns to turd while Google's touch is golden. Sadly I lack sufficient data to state this and that but what I do know, given Yahoo's track record as a parent company is that it's effective for awhile up then hits a snag. The result? The product goes sour and alienates the fanbase.

Tumblr has also become a playground for various topics that some might consider 'off-the-wall'. Sensitive topics such as rape or sex or even LGBT (not chucking them in together mind you) gets to be discussed freely there. Heck even tons of Japanese porn and gravure exist in that little world. You name it, Tumblr most probably has it. With ownership turnover will we see a new, active policing of the contents published there? Will there be any changes with how people can 'tune off' a specific topic? It's a waiting game for this one so better get your popcorns ready.

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