Big things are headed the way for THE FLASH. Aside from a guest appearance in the hit series ARROW, he's also set to have his own TV show and a movie to boot. Celebrating this momentous occasion, let's dig deep into Flash lore and give out 25 things we'd like to see for the series.
Let's begin
1. The Origin of Barry Allen
I can't recall how the first TV series showed the tragic events that befell on poor little Barry Allen and the rest of his family. Hopefully we get to see that again albeit in a modern format. Seeing the last TV show's version on Youtube is starting to get old.
2. The Formation of the Rogues
DC Comics hit gold with the formation/ creation of the Flash's rogues including Captain Cold and Captain Boomerang.
3. Zoom / Reverse Flash
Eobard Thawne is a wicked, wicked man. And he deserves some screen time if Hollywood opts to do a Flash TV series. If you loved those high speed chases in SMALLVILLE then this is going to rock your socks off. Plus Thawne's got ties to both the death of Barry's mom, Nora and Flashpoint so he's definitely a huge figure.
4. Iris West and Romance
Let's admit it, we hate Patty in the New 52 version, Bringing Iris West on the show will not only provide a romantic break for viewers but also provides The Flash with an anchor. Just don't turn her into the weekly damsel in distress.
5. Justice League References
It's not necessary to have the League appear on the smallscreen (as it's Warner Bros. duty to bring them all together on the big screen). A couple of references such as "Sorry I'm late, I was with the League fighting Starro" or something like that can stoke the fires of fandom.
6. The Future
One of the best things about the Silver Age Flash stories was the sci-fi element it had in it's core. A lot of weird science including time-travel. I wish that CW gets to tackle the subject of the Flash travelling through time. Plus you also have to remember that some of The Flash's allies (and descendants, the Tornado Twins) came from the future including...
7. Impulse/ Kid Flash
Yes, I really want to see Kid Flash or Impulse make an appearance in the series. The time displaced grandson of Barry Allen is as fast as he is and more impulsive than anybody else. Bart Allen would certainly fit nicely in this series, probably around the fifth or sixth season. And the good thing about it is that we already have a guy playing the role.
8. Wally West
Another major Flash ally and supporting character that I really, really want to see in the smallscreen is Wally. The dude's pretty much absent ever since the New 52 reboot but we all know that they still have plans for the character, Wally was the original Kid Flash and he's also Iris' nephew. I can already see it happening, Flash knocking on Iris' apartment and pre-pubescent Wally opens, says "hi" and calls out to his aunt. Good times.
9. A trip to Earth 2
Story goes that the original Flash (Jay Garrick) was benched after the golden age but the interest in the old school hero returned after THE FLASH visits Jay Garrick's world. Which paves the way for more crossovers including crossovers between the JLA and the JSA.
10. Gorilla City
This might be breaking down the realism a bit but I do wish to see Gorilla City in the series. One it's a nice break from fighting the Rogues or solving crimes. Two, it also gives us fresh new villains and allies for Barry such as the Gorilla Grodd and Solovar. It also adds a new locale if DC and WB intends to go 'world building'.
11. Creative Use of Powers
Superheroes in media these days rarely display creative ways to use their powers either for daily life or for crimesolving. Barry has always been known to do that (at least the Silver Age version is). I'm really hoping that the writers for the show can do the same thing for the "fastest man alive".
12. Crossovers
This should be a staple for the series (should there ever be one). I mean THE FLASH debuts in ARROW S2E8, S2E9 and S2E20 so it should make sense that this becomes a trend. And believe me, throw me a nice hero team-up on a TV show like the Flash and I'll definitely be a happy fanboy. Heck even C-Listers would do.
There you have it. My top wishes for THE FLASH as he soon becomes a TV Show. Here's to hoping they really pull it off the way they did for ARROW.
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