Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Geek Wear - Captain America Hoodie and Motorcycle Gear

While its been months since theaters last run Marvel Studios' Captain America The First Avengers we are still certainly seeing a lot of cool looking products and apparel such as this amazing looking hoodie plus a motorcycle uniform based on the First Avenger film.

Never mind that Vin Diesel look a like just focus on the costume itself. So going back, the suit is officially priced at $1290 which is pretty expensive. 

But hey, if you're going to ride a Harley Davidson bike, you might as well spend a little extra on what you're going to wear for the ride right? 

Anyway, the suit is made of the same materials that bikers wear when they go out. According to the reviews, the suit is pretty comfortable and will definitely shield riders from harsh elements.

Unfortunately for us all, the suit will not come with any form of shield or helmet which is really kind of a bummer since that would have completed the look. 

If you are interested in getting Cap's shield or helmet, then you might want to get the Avengers eFX Collectible Props featuring not only the shield but also Captain America's helmet.

For the fanboys and fangirls with lesser amounts of money to burn, you might want to join the re-order line for these cool looking Captain America hoodie.

 For $60 you would be able to get this amazing looking jacket and brandish a shield for that "feeling Captain America" phase we all went through after seeing the movie.

