Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Movie Review - Beauty and the Beast 3D is Still Good 21 Years Later

Reviewing Beauty and the Beast 3D from Walt Disney Pictures.

Well, what can I say - its been 21 years since I first saw this in a local movie theater together with my grandfather. I was less than 10 years old at that time and I was totally mystified with this great looking movie. And now 21 years later, I get to see the movie in the big screen and it brought back a lot of good memories.

I don't really need to go and do a synopsis because I'm betting we've all seen this movie within the last two decades since its initial theatrical run. We all know the story, Belle saves her dad by taking his place in the Beast's Castle. While inside, they grow close and everything works well before Belle leaves to save her father's life.

I'm really amazed that even after all these years, the movie is still fresh. So fresh in fact that you have got to get a feeling of nostalgia while watching the movie. Oh and I even found myself humming to the more familiar songs like "Be our Guests" and the classic "Beauty and the Beast".

The movie is great for Disney fans both old and new; older fans will surely get a kick out of watching these classics while the younger generation will finally catch these films for the first time in the big screen. The private screening we definitely made a generally good impact on the kids who were with us; so that's definitely a good sign.

All the 3D bits were great additions. Hats off to Disney for their initiative of converting their old films into 3D versions. This was totally a smart move and a great way not just to make money but also introducing the kids of this generation to the wonders we all felt and enjoyed back then when DVDs,  Blu-Rays, DOTA, PSPs and Xbox 360s were still future tech. If you can also see this the way I do, you would say that the 3D conversion can also be considered as "sauce" or "gravy". Meaning the main course was delicious in itself but the addition of the 3D or the sauce made it extremely better.

Verdict: 9/10

Beauty and the Beast 3D was exceptionally great and after all these years, it still shows that its got a reason why its been hailed as one of the biggest Walt Disney classics. If you're a family man and still want to find a good movie to bring the whole family, why not go for this movie.

Special thanks to Walt Disney Philippines for the special preview. Like them on Facebook to win games and other promotional materials.

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