Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Red Hood and the Outlaws # 6 Spoilers Clears Things About Starfire and Jason Todd

Scott Lobdell was not joking when he said that we were only seeing the tip of the iceberg for the new, revamped Starfire and Red Hood for the book "Red Hood and the Outlaws" and RATO# 6 nails that point perfectly. 

Find out about these two after the cut. 

So it seems like Jason has been running around the New 52 world for quite some time after his return. The book also proves that while he might not be in good terms with Batman, he has pushed through with his plans of taking down crime in the language that it knows best - violence. In the opening pages for the book, Jason manages to take down a bunch of terrorists inside their subs but gets injured on the way out. The next thing we see is Jason naked and recuperating on a machine plus the appearance of Princess Kory who took care of Jason while he was out cold.


In this new reality, and during the flashback sequences, we find out that there was a time when Dick was training or helping out with Jason when they were Nightwing and Robin respectively. This was of course before his "death" at the hands of the Joker during the "Death in the Family" arc.


Red Hood and the Outlaws # 6 also proves that Judd Winnick's "Under the Red Hood" did occur but ended differently. There was a specific flashback in the book which depicts how things differed and this was when Jason wakes up from his "coma".

One of the funniest moments also appeared when Kory tried to give Jason some clothes that belong to a man she felt something for, or dare I say it "loved" but completely forgot his name. She did manage to keep his clothes (all belonging to Dick Grayson).

We also get to see a bit of Starfire and Nightwing's history together with Arsenal in the Teen Titans.


So why am I ranting about this issue? Well it resolves a lot of things about Starfire and sheds a new light into what makes her an interesting albeit misunderstood character in this rebooted universe. Secondly, we also get to see a new side of Jason Todd that we have yet to see in the past (why I remember him being a bad guy again in the old continuity taking on a sidekick and trolling the Grayson Batman together with Damien Wayne), now we get to see a new side which is more likeable and hopefully yields a lot of good characteristics and stories.

Going back to the story, Starfire also kisses Jason when the latter tells the Tamaran princess that he wants to "talk".

But according to the accompanying dialogue, this was just a means for Kori to assimilate language faster in order to catch whatever the hell the two of them talked about the whole morning.

While this book spells 90s all over again, its good to know that somewhere between the gunfire and sexual imagery, there's a nice monologue that's hidden with Jason as the persona.


There's also a great James Bond-esque moment in the final pages of the book where we see Starfire rising from the water in a bathing suit and approaches Jason who seems to be reading a report surrounding the execution of Star's old Teen Titans teammate Arsenal, which ultimately led us to the events of Red Hood and the Outlaws # 1 a few months back.

Call me campy, but I sure as hell am enjoying Kenneth Rocafort's art for this book. Now I have added another title I'd like to get in collected format for the New 52

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