E3 2012 showed a lot of great looking games but if you took the time to watch all of the videos currently streaming online, you would have to agree that Ubisoft's Watch Dogs has got to be the most intense and realistic game from the bunch.
Here are some of the things that got my attention, which ultimately lead to me getting the game, enjoying the game and eventually review the game.
yeah I know, the trailer was very informative but we all had to ask the same question. "Where the heck is the actual video game?"
1. Its a game about Hackers and Guns. Actually its a combination of run and gun scenarios together with stealth/ infiltration missions in a very vast New York City. Take this new gameplay video featuring the main character Aiden Pierce where he has to sneak into a club to lure out his intended target.
Totally like Assassin's Creed only more... techie.
2. The use of Technology as a weapon
Gone are the days of the hidden blade because in Watch Dogs the main weapon has got to be Pierce's smartphone. The phone can tap into the different electronic devices including surveillance cameras and mobile networks.
I hear rumors that as you progress through the game you actually gain access to more things to hack and tamper with including electric grids. Speaking of weapons upgrades even the guns that Aiden or the player would carry can also be upgraded. I'm seriously hoping though that the guns you bring along with you gets meaner as you progress.
Open world/ Sandbox games are fun. Hands down its fun to run around and do crazy stuff. Watch Dogs does the same but instead of sending you to far away worlds or post-apocalyptic settings we get to roam around "our" world. A world filled with private wars and greedy corporations and a tragic anti-hero that enters the fray with the hopes of getting paid and then gets thrust into the world of intrigue.
When it blends with the technology and skills that are at Aiden's disposal this looks to be pretty promising. Imagine playing a game where you're being chased by thugs and you get to "dispose" of them with style by tampering the street light and having them cross the street with the traffic light going green all of a sudden.
In a nutshell, thanks to the open world functions for the game, you get to choose which technological tampering would work and which won't.
As I've mentioned earlier, this game is really promising. Nice graphics, a great quasi-realistic storyline and a nice touch of technology can definitely make for hours and hours of gameplay.
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