Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Green Lantern # 12 - What are the Guardian's Plans for the GLC

The Guardians are slowly revealing their hand in this preview for Green Lantern # 12 which comes out this week. It's written by Geoff Johns with art by Renato Guedes.

Poor Hal.

Sooooo. They plan to lift Guy Gardner to a point where he gets hurt when he falls. While they also reveal that Sinestro is an unwitting pawn in their game. Will this mean that he gets swept under the rug together with Hal at the time when the Third Army officially rises.

Oh and Kyle Rayner also faces the short end of the stick with the revelation that Ganthet has plans for the former torchbearer and his "new guardians" team.

Finally John Stewart will fall thanks to his guilt over killing GL Mogo

Add to that the threat of the recently returned Black Hand who plans to create a second Blackest Night with his return to Earth. Really creepy stuff. 

I'm honestly surprised by the level of beauty that Guedes' artwork is for this book. Compared to Mike Choi's filler art a few issues ago, this looks really exceptional.

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