Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Some Thoughts on the New Justice League of America

I was checking out the only existing image of the upcoming DCnU book "Justice League of America" set for 2013 and I thought of several things about this interesting set of characters led by Team 7 member Steve Trevor.

Before that here's the rundown of the New 52 members of the JLA:

  • Martian Manhunter
  • Green Arrow
  • Hawkman
  • Katana
  • Green Lantern Baz
  • Catwoman
  • Vibe
  • Stargirl
  • Steve Trevor.
As mentioned earlier, the book will come out 2013 and I'm betting that its going to tie up neatly in the upcoming DC event Trinity War.

1. So this is Green Arrow's team...

Remember in Justice League # 8 we get to meet Green Arrow who wants in on the team despite their apprehension over his skill and personality. Towards the end of that issue, Oliver Queen is approached by Trevor informing him that he wants him [Arrow] to be part of the this new Justice League that he's been forming. We all assumed and it was implied that Arrow said yes to this offer and that was the end of that.

2. Baz is in it. 

Not that I hate Baz or anything but the new Green Lantern seems to have jumped ship. His predecessor was a founding member of the ORIGINAL and the 'original' League so I'm scratching my head as to why they didn't give Hal's spot to Baz...

That and the fact that it seems like he harbors no love or loyalty for Bats and the rest of the JL. Maybe the upcoming Green Lantern Annual # 1 will provide added information regarding who Baz is and why he dislikes the league.

3. Martian Manhunter's New Team

Let me refer you back to Justice League # 8 where the League discuss matters about expansion. It's in this issue that we find out that they actually had Martian Manhunter join their ranks for a bit, that's before everything went batshit crazy and Jo'nn had to take on the whole team.

Maybe Johns plans to expound more about this incident in the pages of Justice League of America next year. Or maybe this is something that we would be seeing in the pages of Stormwatch...

In this issue the Martian Manhunter quits Stormwatch

4. Catwoman going Legit

Judd Winnick's run on Catwoman was so-so for me but it did stick to the theme of showing dual sides of Catwoman. One that's a natural do-gooder and ally to Batman and the other is the f*cked up individual with deeply rooted issues who commits to stealing. It's a good exposition and opens a lot of doors for different approaches to storytelling.

For me the biggest question here was how the heck did they get Catwoman to join. More importantly why was she even considered. She's skilled but not that skilled at fighting. She fills the team's requisite "ninja/thief" position pretty well. So I'm going with that. Or could it be that Trevor knows that Catwoman and Batman have a "thing" and including Catwoman on his B-Team is sending a big "fuck you" to Batman.

4. Hawkman's Wacky World

I tried to "like" Hawkman and it was mildly entertaining when it first started out. But after the first arc, I kinda dropped it as it seemed too "alien" to me. Alien as in Thanagarian. And then Rob Liefeld came in and just ruined everything.

But he is an important part of the Justice League. He's a silver age member and a lot of fans loved the addition of Carter and Kendra/Shayera and he plays 'bad cop' pretty well during missions. Another thing I'm thinking that we'll be seeing as the series develops is the rivalry between Ollie and Carter which was a pretty entertaining sight to behold back in the day [geez am I that old now?]

5. Stargirl

Are we going to see a younger, inexperienced Courtney Whitmore in the new JLA book? Or is she going to be more of a "powerhouse" on the team? She is smiling so I'm definitely going with the inexperienced member. The good part about Stargirl being in the JLA is the fact that she's now a member of the JLA. The bad part about this is that it isn't the same universe or timeline anymore. Guess the timing wasn't right for poor ole Courtney. Add to that the fact that her friends and avid supporters like Jay Garrick, Alan Scott and Ted Grant now live in a parallel Earth.

 Those are just my initial thoughts on this new announcement. I'll comment more as more news about Justice League of America trickle down.

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