Monday, August 6, 2012

Why Are the Avengers Hanging Around the Jean Grey School?

A new preview for an upcoming issue of Wolverine and the X-Men post- AVX (Avengers vs X-Men) shows the Avengers hanging around the JGHSL.


Now only that but we also get to see Broo and our favorite mutant students for the Jean Grey School.

Does this mean that the X-Men lost the war or could it just be what happens after the events of AvX # 9? Either way it looks like the Wolverine's X-Men are now working closely with The Avengers to foil the destruction that's about to be unleashed courtesy of Phoenixclops and Phoenix-emma.

Minus Hope Summers, it's also nice to see the members of Generation Hope strolling around the school together with Idie.


Oh how cute, they even have a nice panel featuring Kitty Pryde and Iceman and the bamfs...

Finally, there's also a segment in the upcoming book featuring Professor X and Rachel Grey aka Marvel Girl..


and in between the two of them is our favorite telepath, Quintin Quire.


I like this issue. I'm definitely getting this issue. Mainly because Quire gets pawned and because we get to see Professor X walking around the halls of the Jean Grey academy.

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