Monday, November 26, 2012

Movie Review: Trouble with the Curve

A curveball is a type of baseball pitch requiring a snap of the wrist causing the baseball to run in a downward spin. This type of pitch is integral in bringing together the story of "Trouble with the Curve" starring Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams and Justin Timberlake.

Special thanks to Warner Bros. Philippines for the invites to the special press screening for the film. 

There's a couple of things that I hate about baseball movies, for one I do not play baseball so I don't know the scoring system. I suck at finding plays shown in the movies and I do not know the terminology. Luckily for me and actually for all us, we don't need to know stuff about baseball to enjoy this movie. 


The great thing about "Trouble with the Curve" is that while it's a baseball movie, it doesn't alienate the casual moviegoer. It's an added treat to see a very aged and gruff Clint Eastwood do his thing. After all, it's been a while since we last saw Dirty Harry in an acting role so being able to see him is a great thing.

In preparation for her role as "Lois Lane" for next year's "Man of Steel", Amy Adams plays Gus' daughter Mickey who is a strong willed woman who decides to tag along for her dad's last scouting project. Also along for the ride is Justin Timberlake who plays the role of Johnny who happens to be the talent scout for the Red Sox; oh and to add more "closeness" to him and Eastwood's character, he also turns out to be a former talent that Gus scouted.


The onscreen banter between Clint Eastwood and Amy Adams is cute and when we get hit with the curveball as to why Eastwood acts the way he does towards his daughter. Kinda cute but at the same time, it's lacking something. There's no oomph. But still forgivable.

I'm not sure how others would see the pairing between Adams and Timberlake but I'm going to say that there's little chemistry between them. It's as if there's no real 'spark' onscreen.


Going back to Adams, she's pretty cute here. She's not the Disney princess that we've all seen in "Enchanted" and she's not quite the Lois Lane we've all grown up looking up but she's definitely getting there. Honestly, every scene with her was a nice break from all the frowning and mumbling that Eastwood's delivering in this flick. 

This is also the second Warner Bros. movie where John Goodman plays a likeable foil/ supporting character. Argo was the first movie that I was happy to see him and this is the second; too bad though we don't see him doing comedy here. He's just playing a straight character.

The ending is quite exciting, well for a sports film anyway. "Trouble with the Curve" is a fairly decent story. Great story. Nice casting and one grumpy Clint Eastwood. It's nothing like Gran Torino though.

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