Friday, November 23, 2012

Was that Bethany Cabe in Iron Man # 2?

Bethany Cabe's thunder was stolen by the relationship between Tony Stark and Pepper Potts but she was pretty helpful during Matt Fraction's last run so the last page for Iron Man # 2 was kind of a surprise.

So anyway in this issue Stark goes and deal with the people who have been keeping this new version of the Extremis virus. 

There's a classic "friendly" fight between these wannabe pilots and Tony's spanking new armor. Of course we get a clear ringside seat on whose tech is superior. Well except for this one mysterious character who manages to go and kick Stark's armored butt. 

Stark leaves and then we finally get to see who's under the armor. A redhead who seems to be Bethany Cabe; Stark's former girlfriend and head of security for Stark Resilient.

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