Friday, December 7, 2012

Avengers # 1 - Welcome to Avengers World

Avengers # 1 is finally here and I must say that I am dumbfounded by how nice this new volume is thanks to the writing of Jonathan Hickman with the art of Jerome Opena.

And let me just say that I am totally impressed with how this is all coming through. I mean I was apprehensive at first especially since this is a new volume featuring the same old characters instead of new characters (more on that later). 

So anyway the book is amazing. Hickman starts with the idea that floated around Bendis' last issue of Avengers (that the team should grow big to be able to effectively deal with the threats that come their way.) Iron Man and Captain America begin devising a new system which later gets nicknamed "Avengers World". Though we don't see anything at first related to this subplot, by the end you'll have a clear understanding of what Stark exactly meant the minute he roused Cap from his sleep. 

Also wanted to commend Jerome Opena's work on this stunning issue.  Everything here that has been touched by the talented Jerome Opena turns to instant platinum. Even something as mundane and as boring as Captain America getting dressed for a new mission becomes cool under the dynamic pencils of Opena. 

I totally dig the new take for Avengers and I'm already anxious to see how Hickman's other Avengers book "New Avengers" would tie up towards the whole Avengers franchise. 

One other thing that I'm raving about right now for this week's Avengers is the use of the characters. Here we get to see the MCU Avengers working together (which I'm pretty sure was editorially mandated anyway). It's just really rare to see these guys go and fight heavy hitting threats like Ex Nihilo so you tend to go wow. Sadly though, they get their asses kicked which results in Cap calling in reserves like Cannonball and Sunspot, Wolverine and even newbies like the new Smasher and Hyperion from Squadron Supreme

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