Friday, December 14, 2012

Cable and the X-Force # 1 Spoilers - Reunions and Gatherings

Cable meets up with his adopted daughter Hope Summers in Cable and the X-Force # 1 by Dennis Hopeless and Salvador Larroca

In this new Marvel Now title, we get to see Cable and his ragtag bunch of mutants fighting the good fight despite being called "terrorists". More than that, this issue is important because we get to see the long overdue reunion between Hope and her father Cable. 

It's a pretty cute scene but I've seen too many movies that shares the same elements to know that this was supposed to be a scene between lovers and not fathers and daughters. Still, it works fine. 

In this issue we also get to see how Cable managed to "persuade" Dr. Nemesis to join his new team following the disbandment of Cyclops' Utopia.

I'm a bit curious as to what has become the rest of the X-Club. Remember that Fraction created that sub unit featuring Kavita Rao and Madison Jeffries to work on the tech for the X-Men while in Utopia. This of course stems from losing Forge in the Astonishing X-Men arc Ghost Boxes.

Over the course of the issue we also find out that Cable is dealing with problems relating to his regeneration. He's no longer plagued by the T-O virus however it does provide Cable with visions of the deadly Phalanx.

So far from this issue, the only character that seems to be missing (although not entirely) happens to be Colossus.

The issue is out now, go get it from your favorite LCS. 

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