Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Perfect Soundtrack for December 21,2012

This is it. Tomorrow we officially find out if conspiracy theorists were right to feel scared over the 12/21 crap or if we've all been punk'd by the Mayans centuries ago. I decided to do this blog post for this special day and what better way than to do a pretty mean soundtrack for the 'apocalypse'.

Oh and just to make a quick announcement, Ayala Malls is still playing 2012 in Digital 3D for a limited engagement.

Here we go.

1. Incubus - Warning

You've all seen the video for 'Warning' right? It's actually my first foray into the whole 12/21/2012 thing. It's funny that since there was no Internet back then, I actually learned about the connection through the defunct 97.1 LSFM's "Infopop" with John Hendrix. Pretty cool music and it's also the reason why it's on top.

Why 10:24 you might be wondering, well apparently, as part of the Mayan's sick joke for us future dwellers, it's allegedly the time when everything stops.

2.  Muse - Apocalypse Please

All the wails and the lyrics tries to romaticize doomsday which is pretty cool. The lyrics "This is the end. The end of the worrllllllllllllllld' is pretty a-Muse-ing.

3. REM - It's The End of the World As We Know It

Heard this on NU107 somewhere in the 90s and it never left my brain. In fact it just stayed there, partly because Michael Stipes kicked ass when he 'rapped'.

It was also pointed out by a very wise acquiantance of mine that this will be the theme song for 12/21/2012 mainly because it's got everything in the title. Still for a gloomy song, the tempo is pretty upbeat making disintegration or whatever's supposed to kill us bearable.

4. Nine Inch Nails - The Day The World Went Away

There's the guitar rock riff that's so bad ass plus the imagery you conjure up that makes you think of pure awesomeness in this track. It's Trent Reznor man, what can you even say. This guy is still a musical genius even when singing about the apocalypse.

5. The Doors - The End

Who knew the end of the world would be so charming. Jim Morrison really isn't singing about the end of the world per se but you might as well as think of "The End" as well, the end of everything.

If I may add, I also sing this when playing Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater while hunting legendary sniper The End.

6. Eve of Destruction - Barry McGuire

I really thought that this was Bob Dylan and I was sorely wrong. The lyrics are pretty cool, it's actually anti-war which is natural since this was released around the Vietnam War (and the Flower Power revolution).

That growl man. That growl...

7. Black Sabbath - Children of the Grave

This is more about atomic destruction and how the world should change if they don't want having kids of the grave, Pretty heavy rock and pretty meaningful. Sometimes it goes to show that just because Ozzy Osborn looks like a psychopath, doesn't mean he is one.

BONUS: Here's Judas Priest's Rob Halford singing the same song with Black Sabbath...

8. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising

This song has been on my player for some time, but I haven't given it a full listen. It's basically a POV while everything goes awry. It's pretty campy and pretty happy considering things are already going sour including rivers overflowing.

9. Smashing Pumpkins - Doomsday Clock

10. Simon and Garfunkel - Sound of Silence

The beauty of this track is that it's haunting. It's acoustic and it focuses on lyrics and again bears sentiments against war. Sound of Silence of course is also the kind of thing that you'll hear after all the torrents and chaos. Perfect for picking up the pieces if the hype is true.

11. Gary Jules - Mad World

It's not a doomsday song but i decided to include this because of the bleak and really haunting voice by Mr. Jules together with that awesome piano accompaniment. Something about this song which when connected to the concept of the end of the world makes it perfect.

13. Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around

Johnny Cash opens the track with a quote from Revelations and then does his own biblical tone; all of which is done with Cash's deep voice. Really steady music.

14. Orange and Lemons - Armageddon Comes to Town

My only local entry and the only one that's a love song to boot. The guys of Orange and Lemons sing about being in love which is equivalent to encountering the end of the world. Cheesy and cute with all the "Oooohhhs" and "Ahhhhhs".

15. All American Rejects - It Ends Tonight

Tyson Ritter and the rest of All American Rejects sings about hope and light in this track. It's got a variety of meanings including acceptance and moving on from a bad relationship. It could also be treated as a song about moving on from terrible things and looking forward to the future. We really need this kind of optimism.

There you go. My top 15 songs for the End of the World. Go and listen to it and might I request comments and or more information if that's possible.

Thanks for reading.

Oh, oh, oh. One last thing. If you want to make it overly dramatic why not envision yourself in this scene from FIGHT CLUB...

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