Monday, March 4, 2013

Super Spoilers for Uncanny Avengers # 4

Here are some massive spoilers for last week's Uncanny Avengers # 4 by Rick Remender and John Cassaday.

In this issue, Remender finally closes his first arc with the Red Skull and this new Avengers team going through the motions of the standard comic book story (the villain retreats). 

But I'm actually going to fast. Check the previews to see the Havok & Scarlet Witch vs brainwashed Thor fight. 

In another part of the city, Captain America finally reaches his newly empowered nemesis. They fight but Cap gets a mindfuck in which he sees a completely different America (which may or may not be a throwback to society in general, not just the US). We also see this splash page which reeks of awesomeness!!!!

YES!!! It's a pretty cool easter egg/ homage to that classic Uncanny X-Men cover for "Days of Future Past". There's also a chance that the 'Sentinels' that we're seeing are actually derived from a Tony Stark armor. Could be.

Back in reality,  Wanda shows us why she's one of the most powerful member of the Avengers when she does this to the god of Thunder, Thor.

By the end of the issue, the Avengers barely manage to foil Red Skull's debut as a major Marvel U villain. This is of course thanks to Captain America who manages to go and get the final punch on this newly powered Nazi mutant hater. 

There's also a touching scene towards the end of the issue where we see Captain America and Scarlet Witch hugging it out while Wolverine is carried away by Thor (who messed him up pretty bad last issue). 

It's like those action movies where the heroes survive but they really don't feel like it was a win for them. I'm trying to think of a good movie with scenes like. I'll put an edit if I ever do find a good example. 

Towards the end, there's a three month time skip which seems really depressing and sad.

We also get to meet a really dead, skeletal Immortus who draws what looks like a Red Skull with Professor X's brain. And then the true kicker appears...

So yeah, that's just so fucking unfair, Onslaught with Red Skull's head. Also I'm starting to get bothered with this image they're using of a Charles Xavier minus his brain. It's really creepy, and now it seems like even the dead X-Men founder's corpse is going to be boosted in someway to becoming a villain. 

Or perhaps there's another explanation in this new series. Anyway, let's just wait and see. For now, let's brace ourselves for the inclusion of new members like The Wasp, Wonder Man and Sunfire.

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