Sunday, April 21, 2013

Play Arts Kai Man of Steel Superman Preview

Yesterday I featured the Play Arts Kai Man of Steel General Zod, today I'd like to put the spotlight on the Man of Steel himself, Superman also from Play Arts Kai.

More photos after the cut...

People may rant that the figure looks a bit of because he's shiny but a Facebook friend pointed out that these photos were taken using a prototype figure which would also mean that there would be changes for the mass produced version.

And just like the Batman Arkham City Play Arts Kai figures, textures and additional visual effects would be added later to make this stand out.

In fairness for this one however, it's got actor Henry Cavill's basic likeness so I've got no problem with that. (Although it wouldn't hurt if we've also got a Gina Carano Wonder Woman figure standing beside him).

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