Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Who are the People in Marvel's Stark Seven?

Marvel Comics just released a new teaser for the upcoming 'Secret Origin' of Tony Stark over in Iron Man written by Kieron Gillen with art by Dale Eaglesham. This is what the teaser image looked like:

The issue will be out next month and features a rather eclectic cast of characters. I'm actually having a blast figuring out who these guys are and so far here's my list for Gillen's secret team.

The Distraction - Maria Stark; mainly because I'm thinking Gillen wants to do a 50's/ 60's version of Mr. and Mrs. Smith during his Origins run.
The Brain - Howard Stark
The Muscle - Dum Dum Dugan (Giveaway already thanks to the moustache and the bowler hat)
The Alien - is just a dumb alien. Or maybe it could be ATLAS member 'The Uranian'.
The Grunt - Thunderbolt Ross

Now for the other two, I'm having a bit of a problem. My gut tells me that 'THE SPY" is Nick Fury but there's also something that tells me that this could be S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Jimmy Woo from the book Agents of Atlas because that guy looked very asian and very Jimmy Woo-ish. 

As for the Bombshell, well I'm really stumped. I don't know who she could be mainly because of the numerous different blonde heroines and villains that are running around the Marvel Universe. So I'm going to leave that to Mr. Gillen.

Well I'm going with an earlier hunch thanks to some added info and insights from friends over at The Comic Book Group - yes, the Blonde 'bombshell' might just be Venus from Atlas.

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