Tuesday, June 11, 2013

E3 2013 Steampunk Monster Hunting in The Order: 1886

Steampunk fans might want to keep their eyes peeled for Sony's cool looking game THE ORDER: 1886.

I'm currently not sure if this is going to be a FPS or do something else. What I do know is that it's got a nice story, a lot of steampunk technology and more importantly, badass guns. Oh and is it just me or does one of the guys in this new trailer resemble ACIII's Charles Lee.

Anyway, THE ORDER: 1886 folks, after the break:

If there's anything I hated about the trailer, it's that we never get to see a good look at the monsters. Also how can they frigging hold all those monsters with just a flimsy metal gate. 

Check out the other posts for E3 2013 Below:

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