Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Marvel Select Soon to Release Nightcrawler, Storm and Ultron Figures

Toy Fair 2012 yields some great looking figures from DST (Diamond Select Toys) including the MS classic Nightcrawler, Storm and Ultron.

These figures looks really great and while we really haven't seen what part of the Danger Room will be added into the mix, it's pretty clear that the Danger Room diorama is going to immense!

Here are more images for the Marvel Select Nightcrawler figures...

Too bad we're currently not sure if we're ever going to see a sword accessory for this unique looking figure. To round up the "All New, All Different" X-Men set, DST and Art Asylum also teased the upcoming release of a Storm figure. 

Finally, DST also teased the release of a weird looking Ultron figure...

Photo source: Cooltoyreview

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