Sunday, November 25, 2012

Uncanny X-Force # 34 Spoilers

In this issue, further proof that the former physical form of Fantomex won't be coming back. Also which Brotherhood members die in this issue.

So to begin with, it looks like Fantomex will be coming back, but not in the same way that we all wanted it to be. For all we know, we could be seeing a rebooted version of Fantomex merging the old Fantomex with the EVA character. 

Yeah so no more heart for Fantomex. Too bad for the Skinless Man though as this is going to be his last act of treachery as his throat meets the sharp end of Deadpool's katana. 

Meanwhile Wolverine manages to survive drowning again with the help of Deadpool. He goes after his son Daken and they manage to trade blows before Wolverine decides to do the hard thing. 

Daken 'dies' leaving Wolverine distraught. This also makes him question his motives and actions. 

You know, I'd already have shed a tear for this scene but knowing Marvel, they'd probably resurrect Daken in a matter of months. I mean c'mon, were already seeing Sabretooth working for this new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants already so why not Logan's son right? 

I'm going to applaud the entire creative team for Uncanny X-Force # 34. Remender's writing manages to show heart despite the rather violent turn of events for both the good guys and the bad guys. The whole relationship between AOA Nightcrawler and his 'mother' Mystique is kinda twisted and I hope Remender doesn't forget about these two characters. 

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