Monday, February 25, 2013

Deadpool # 5 Spoilers

Some of the best panels and a rather shocking ending for Deadpool # 5


This month, we have Deadpool battling Ronald Reagan in a Russian space station with nukes. A cool dismemberment moment thanks to killer monkeys and an awfully sad ending thanks to George Washington.

Read more after the cut.

Deadpool 005-009

While Deadpool might have had a fairly nice chance of winning at the onset of the fight, we're treated to an extended fight scene with Reagan which includes killer cosmonaut monkeys.

Deadpool 005-006

Deadpool offs the ghastly Reagan and manages to escape in style. It's shaping up to be a happy ending for Deadpool and the rest of his cooky supporting cast and then George Washington decides to spoil the party. Washington kills Agent Prescott by twisting her neck and he also kicks Deadpool's ass. 

Deadpool # 5 ends with this..

Deadpool 005-021

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