Monday, February 25, 2013

Marc Webb Reveals Amazing Spider-Man 2 Costume Design

Superherohype shows us what the Spider-Man would look like for Amazing Spider-Man 2 which is still directed by Marc Webb and will still star Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone.

Amazing Spider-Man-2-new-costume

And just for your reference, here's the old costume that was used for the Amazing Spider-Man...


Here are some of the noticeable difference between the two costumes.

  • Obviously the eyes for the new costume have been revised to look more like the source material. 
  • The insides of the eyes have also been re-done following the original white color. 
  • The whole mask was just a basic rip from the Raimi Spider-Man. :/
  • The new Spider logo was also just lifted from the first movie. IMHO I liked the spider logo from the first movie.
  • The linings throughout the body also reverts back to the original. Gone are the days of the original looking costume.
Overall this 'new' costume is just a rehash of the old Spider-Man costume last worn by the previous Spider-Man, Tobey Maguire. Some fans would love it while others like myself see ourselves frowning. But hey, the bright side is that it's the classic Spidey costume we all know and love.

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