Saturday, February 9, 2013

Jinri Park is Fujiko in New Jay Tablante Cosplay Shoot

Jinri Park suddenly goes from being the sweet and bubbly koreana DJ to a full blown femme fatale when she channels Lupin III's main squeeze Fujiko Mine for one of photographer Jay Tablante's cosplay shoots. 

Managed to wrangle in a few questions for Jay amidst his very busy schedule and here's what he's got to say about Fujiko/ Jinri and his future cosplay shoot projects.

Q: What's the camera settings for the final shot?

A: I've always used 1 setting for most of my shoots, which is 1/125 and F8, since we got lights to use. But I bracketed for the background to get various tonalities for the sunset.

Q: Why Fujiko?

A: Well, I felt doing some classic anime of the 70s and 80s for a change. Though I'd soon be back doing some comic book cosplays again.

Q: Who's your next cosplay?

A: We got Carla Abellana lined up as another rendition of the Phoenix (Green) and Alodia (Gosiengfiao) as Lynn Minmay.

Really looks interesting. Also hoping that we get to see some BTS of these shoots.

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