Sunday, February 19, 2012

Invincible Iron Man # 513 Spoilers - Iron Man's Rogues Get Repulsor Upgrades

Spoilers for Invincible Iron Man # 513 by Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca featuring a look at the new repulsor powered rogues gallery.

The latest issue opens with Iron Man facing off against an army of Dreadnaughts with the Chinese patriots known as "The Dynasty" making an appearance mid-battle.

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I'm impressed that Marvel went and decided to go and create their own new superhero team for China much like how DC Comics made their "Great Ten". It's also interesting to note that the new team was created by Matt Fraction, the same guy that did the Philippines' "Triumph Division".

After a brief scuffle where Tony Stark manages to take out one of the heads of the dreadnaughts, Stark is also joined by War Machine. The two team up and the remove the last of the attackers. One the way back, Rhodey informs Stark that he is in fact under arrest...

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Meanwhile, half the world away,The Mandarin and Zeke Stane (the son of the deceased Obadiah Stane) are making plans to make sure that they finally kill Iron Man once and for all. To make sure that they do it, they go and power some of Stark's deadliest foes including the Crimson Dynamo and the Titanium Man.

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Looks like Stark would be having a hard time this year, much like how Slott is writing ASM to sic the Sinister Six on the wall-crawler.

1 comment:

  1. I dug the re-design on Spymaster, Living Laser and Blizzard, but some of these "upgrades" reduce these guys (with at one time 'relatively' diverse backgrounds and costuming) to generic tech baddies (or in Crimson Dynamo's case, a Halo throwback). Worst for me is Whirlwind and the lost of the finned dome and buzzsaws (so far, 10 to 1 they're replaced with "energy blades")
