Saturday, February 18, 2012

Movie Review for This Means War - Post Valentine Chaos and Laughter

Doing a movie review for the film "This Means War" starring Chris Pine, Tom Hardy and Reese Witherspoon from 20th Century Fox and directed by McG

Looking for the perfect post-Valentine's Day movie to watch with your date? Then I can certainly recommend you catch This Means War which will be released locally on February 22 in local cinemas. 

Find out what makes this such a fun movie to watch and why McG could be sitting with a certified winner with this new movie. 

Synopsis: The movie tells of FDR (Pine) and Tuck (Hardy) who are CIA agents who fall in love with the same girl, Lauren played by Legally Blonde's Reese Witherspoon. 

The movie is fresh and it brings the whole "spy" movie to the its next evolutionary step. There's definite chemistry between Pine and Witherspoon in this new movie and it certainly shows a wide range of acting in the part of Pine who we'll be seeing again in the big screen as Captain Kirk in the sequel to JJ Abrams' Star Trek. The movie proves that while that Chris Pine isn't just a pretty face. 

The movie's got a nice twist and the comedic scenes really were comedic, actually, it was quite funny. That's one great thing about Pinoys in general; it doesn't take too much to make us laugh. Unlike people from other countries who can't seem enjoy a good laugh. During the press screening, everybody in the cinema was laughing hard. No, the movie isn't those side-splitters but it certainly evoke a good laugh or two. With us laughing out loud after one scene or another, its a good gauge that the film will appeal to your good side.

This Means War

The future Bane from The Dark Knight Rises also did a great job in this film. Tom Hardy plays the role of Tuck, a divorcee who's feeling sad and blue and meets Lauren. What's good about Hardy's performance in this new movie? Two things - the accent and a great body (which isn't surprising since he plays a muscular, physical character in the final Batman movie from Christopher Nolan). 

Was never really a fan of Reese Witherspoon, but seeing her and that one scene she shared with Pine (yeah, that scene), she's proven in my book again that she's great when it comes to comedy. And yes, she's still hot. But she was waaaay hotter in "Legally Blond". 

Here are some of the good things about the movie:
  • The onscreen battle between Pine and Hardy was nice. not awesome, just nice. I could believe that they really were friends in the film, maybe because these two gents had onscreen presence that you could believe anything. 
  • Chris Pine is back with his "chick magnet" shenanigans; what was surprising was that he could actually hold his own in doing comedy flicks. Not bad James Tiberius Kirk. 
  • It was nice try fusing comedy with a right amount of action and espionage hijinks. Nice try. 

This Means War

  • Tom Hardy's British accent was great to a certain point wherein I was already trying to imitate that damn cool accent. (I swear the ladies will always go for that English accent any day of the year).
  • Memorable lines. "There are no mistakes". That bit was downright philosophical man. Wasn't expecting that from a rom-com. Which also gave me something to ponder on the taxi ride home and while we were buying Pearl Milk Tea back to our pad. 
  • Chelsea Handler was also effing hilarious; some scenes she was "ewwww" but others were epic. 
Verdict: 9.5/10

There were some minor details I'd like to point out, but what the hey, it's still an enjoyable movie (regardless of what the US critics say). Go on and bring your wife or your girlfriend and be entertained. You'll thank me for it later. Be prepared to laugh and go inside the cinema with MAD Magazine's "Spy vs. Spy" in mind; but don't get them mixed up though. 

Special thanks to 20th Century Fox Philippines - please do "Like" them on Facebook

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